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Nice to meet you!

Bein Hatlamim Farm is a non-profit organization that operates an agricultural farm. Our goal is to provide a supportive environment for young individuals aged 15-21 who have yet to find their place in the educational and social formal structures. During their work on the farm, the young farmers get to be part of a multi-age, egalitarian team where they can rediscover their value, and perhaps for the first time feel a sense of belonging

The farm combines social action and local agriculture by growing and supplying high quality, ecologically grown produce to residents of Pardes Hannah - Karkur and vicinity. We use organic agricultural methods, provide a vocational outlet for youths, and create weekly baskets of fresh vegetables that were grown and picked especially for you.

By purchasing a basket of our vegetables, you are supporting the farm’s activities while also enjoying local produce that was grown using organic agricultural methods (without supervision), ecologically cultivated and picked with love.

Our farm is located in Ein Irron, and we invite residents of Pardes Hanna - Karkur and the vicinity to order baskets of our freshest, high-quality vegetables.

Our vision:

We believe in the connection between people and the land, in the educational value of agriculture and the power of farming to unite the community around us to create something important together and make a social contribution.
Based on this vision we established the Bein Hatlamim Farm – an agricultural farm that provides nutritious and high-quality organically grown vegetables (without supervision) to the community, while also serving as a vocational and educational space.



Our vegetables are supremely fresh and are picked just moments before they are packed and sent out – there’s nothing fresher than that!

Youth creating agriculture

Young people working at the farm have chosen to work the land, to get to know the world of farming and create local produce after leaving their formal frameworks.  For them, the farm offers a meaningful setting where they can become a useful and positive part of society.

Organic Farming

 Our vegetables are planted, cultured, and grown without chemical fertilizers or insecticides.

5 Reasons to join our community:

Community supported agriculture

We believe in the CSA model, which is based on community-supported agriculture.  This offers farmers the security to plan on growing more than 25 types of crops six months in advance!

Sustainable local farming

Residents of Pardes Hanna - Karkur and vicinity enjoy local produce that was actually grown right here, close to where they live!  By ordering a weekly vegetable basket they become a partner in supporting our local economy.

Who has already joined us?

We want you to know:

Our vegetable baskets are filled 100% with vegetables that were grown thanks to nature and our farmers – without insecticides or toxic materials.
We comply with all legal requirements, but have chosen to work as an agricultural farm without organic supervision based on a sense of trust between us and our community, and without the need for formal approvals.

We are proud to serve as our community’s supplier of fresh food and we enjoy the special relationship between farming and society.


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